2 Inspirational Stories That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity

Sometimes you come across stories that reinstate your faith in humanity all at once. Cikgu Suhaili’s is one such story. He devoted his life to change the course of a young boy (Azrul) and went above and beyond to build Azrul’s confidence not just on the sports field, but off it too.

Azrul came from a very remote region of Brunei where you could reach only by river. There was no running water, electricity or utilities let alone special education facilities. So Suhaili took him in as a son for five years and coached him on the Special Olympics soccer team while making sure he learnt good habits and got a good education.

After winning several awards and the honour of representing his country in the Abu Dhabi Special Olympics World Summer Games 2019; Azrul is grateful to Suhaili for enabling his journey and guiding him. Read their full story here

Curing the heart

Clinics are often a scary place to visit, but Dr Govind Bisht has dedicated his life to helping people with intellectual disabilities who are sick. The positive attitude of children he meets every day drives him to work harder and he feels a part of their victory when they win.

As he says: “We must be sensitive to their needs, and use our skills to accurately diagnose their ailment so that we can help people who otherwise would not have a voice.”

That’s a clinic we’d all like to visit! Read more about Dr Govind’s story here

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