‘I am constantly inspired and awestruck by how our athletes can achieve greatness.’
20 years ago, Simon Koh started his journey with Special Olympics. Today, he hopes that governments around the world will offer more support to people with intellectual disabilities in all aspects of their lives. He believes that the ripple effect of recognition extends to their families, and gives their parents hope and confidence. They stop seeing their children as a “burden” and start seeing their potential. Read more…
They are different only if we insist on seeing them differently.
Yuchi Huang has been a volunteer football coach with Special Olympics, Singapore for the past 7 years. He says, ‘we make sure that every player, including those with intellectual disabilities, understands our instructions. We instil the spirit and mindset of inclusion within the team so that every member has an equal opportunity to play and shine.’
If every single one of us takes one small step and volunteers just a bit of our time and skills to the cause, we will achieve leaps towards inclusion as a society. Yuchi continues to add that we must do more as a society to change mindsets so that people with intellectual disabilities do not feel ashamed of being in a special school. They should not feel that they must prove themselves “worthy” to be accepted by society. Read more about Yuchi’s story